Friday, March 19, 2010

Power of An Apology

As the mom you may find yourself refereeing your children’s fights. You coach them to “say they are sorry”. It is so easy for us to give our kids that advice but why do the simple words “I am sorry” seem to get caught in our adult throats. My ego shows up in a few ways. One of them is wanting to be right. I am working on recognizing this behavior and with love for myself – giving myself permission to be wrong and make mistakes. When you decide you want to clear a pattern or behavior in your life, the universe gives you opportunities to practice. So I was not surprised the other day when the chance to practice saying I am sorry and being in the wrong showed up. I was driving my daughter to dance. It was raining lightly and I came to a crosswalk. I was distracted and not using my best driving skills and started to pull into the crosswalk while the crossing guard was helping young students get across.

She immediately gave me an icy glare as I pulled away to continue onto dance class. Immediately I felt bad but then started giving myself excuses. Continue reading this post by Soul Essentials Director, Ganel-lyn Condie.

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